The IWTF is part of the Magdalena Project, a dynamic intercultural network that crosses borders and generations. It is an international
platform for the stage work of womxn, a forum for critical discussions and a source of support, inspiration and joint further education
in the Performing Arts.

women performing europe
Women Performing Europe – the Magdalena Project Across Borders is a European Eramus+ partnership with international activities organized by four organisations: Protagon e.V.(DE), Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium /Odin Teatret (DN), Teatro Nucleo (IT), Stowarzyszenie Grupa Artystyczna Teraz Poliz (PL).
The project aims to bring people together, through the exchange of experiences, learning activities and events, to start a discussion in international level about social inclusion, equality, integration and pioneer practices of feminist education in the cultural field.

The project “Reconnect – Dance and theatre training in dialogue with the global south” is an innovative project that will create a new approach in practices of learning and unlearning arts to intervene in hegemonic knowledge in artistic production.